Teri's course can be purchased here, with a discount for Podcast Listeners: investwithteri.com/p/trade-and-tra…213134_i7mbydsb
On this episodes I talk with Ms. Teri Ijeoma of Invest With Teri. Teri is a massively successful stock trader who has perfected a strategy that allows her to travel the world while trading the stock market.
Here are some key points from the show:
There are so many ways to make money that don’t require a degree
Its important to take classes
A lot of pundits can’t talk about stocks they own
Its important to be able to read a chart
Charts will tell you whenn to get into and out of a stock
Being able to protect yourself from losses is the first step toward learning how to make money
Don’t buy too high and don’t buy too many
Books Mentioned:
Four Hour Work Week
Teri can be found here: www.instagram.com/imaninvestor
Teri's course can be purchased here, with a discount for Podcast Listeners: investwithteri.com/p/trade-and-tra…213134_i7mbydsb