On this episode we bring back Ashley Copeland to talk about a few different things. If you don't remember her from her earlier Todd Capital episode, Ashley owns two properties in the DC area and she was able to afford those properties through hustle.
From there she started Stacks in the City, a finance company aimed at teaching people how to invest in the stock market.
On this episode we also discuss assets and liabilities and whether some luxury items are actually assets.
Ashley can be found on IG @stacksnthecity
Sponsor Fam:
Todd Capital Options Course: https://gumroad.com/l/bOUnl/milli
Todd Capital Vending Course: https://gumroad.com/l/EwSkk/First
Todd Capital - gumroad.com/toddcapital
TC Investment Club slack: launchpass.com/p/tcinvestmentclub
Invest with Teri - www.investor101.org
Notary: millinotarypromo.com
Charm City Buyers: charmcitybuyers.samcart.com/referral/sl…0LTkir6iaRh
Hood Estates Trucking: bit.ly/2JQQnlZ
Hood Estates Elite Real Estate: bit.ly/2HCXD25