On this episode I talk to Phil Jones. He is someone who has created a review company that reviews black owned businesses and creates content on YouTube and Instagram for the purpose of helping expose some black owned brands we might not be aware of and raising awareness about the importance of black owned businesses.
Phil Graduated from college and got a job in tech and started investing in real estate. He sold that property and began building this company.
Key points from the show:
Decided to share product he was using just to raise awareness
Stand out in business, don’t just copy what others are doing successfully.
You should at least TRY to buy black
Research marketing
People buy what you promote
The white mans ice isn’t colder but even if the ice was colder black men made the ice anyway
Even if their ice is colder buy black ice anyway.
You have received bad service at everyone else’s business so keep that same energy at a black one
They don’t care if you are better they care about their community
Everything came from Africa
Africa is a gold mine
Business is better than real estate
Real estate is where you go after you make your money
Fund your business with your job
Books mentioned: The Wealth Choice - Dr. Dennis Kimbro
Can find him
Youtube Word of Mouth Reviews
Twitter @wordofmouth