“In the history of human culture, we've never had a time that’s been better for learning about photography. There are images everywhere, and hopefully somebody like me can help you see some of the good stuff.” — Andy Adams, FlakPhoto Projects
In an era flooded with so much photography, usually without context, it’s a relief to have Andy Adams as a guide. Based in Madison, WI, Andy is the founder, curator and director of FlakPhoto Projects, a hub focused on conversations about photography and visual culture. Andy’s built a formidable community of people who revel in his curation of images and ideas.
In this episode, you’ll learn about the art of curating imagery in 2023 and how the art of seeing can be a form of meditation.
Other highlights, inspiration and key learnings:
👋 Say "hi" to Andy.
🔎 Browse the companion Storyboard to get the episode, plus Andy's own favorite newsletters and his curated picks.
➕ This podcast was created by Flipboard, the world's first social magazine, where enthusiasts are curating stories they recommend across thousands of interests. Learn more