It’s here, the most delightful Church season of the year! A time to focus on all the glorious things God is ... Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!
Four weeks on the calendar when we schedule time to stop and think about, I mean REALLY think about, a love of God for us so great and his desire for an unhindered relationship with us so powerful that He sent Jesus.
Yet amidst the busy season of shopping, caroling, and feasting, it’s so easy to get swept away, waking up on December 26th in a yuletide stupor wondering how we missed the true treasure of the season.
Did you know that God has a unique plan to draw you closer to Him during these next four weeks? He does.
Tune in to learn about Sacred Saturday and how this Christmas could be your best one ever.
To read the Blog article: Sacred Saturday? What’s That?
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Oriens, A Pilgrimage through Advent and Christmas
Adoration: Journaling with Emmanuel