I love this annual August episode, highlighting the books that have found their way to my life, growing my love for Jesus and his people during the summer. Books are such a powerful tool in God’s hand and work in us. Is it any wonder that the first thing Jesus is called in the gospel of John is “The Word”? This episode provides a way for us to share the treasures we have found with each other. Can’t wait to hear about yours!
3000 Miles to Jesus: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life for Spiritual Seekers by Lisa Deam
The Woman Who Was Chesterton by Nancy Carpentier Brown
Let God: Spiritual Conversations with François Fénelon by Winn Collier
Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, Feasting by Marva J. Dawn
The Language of the Birds and Other Poems by Amy Nemecek
Guideposts: Inspiration for Life the August/September issue
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