It's a scythe, it's an axe, it's a great big .... one handed weapon, okay?! Buffy is BACK, the team is back together, the sword has been pulled from the stone, there's an old lady (she looks great for her age) in a tiny temple who has been there for so long, Spike has feelings, Faith has feelings, WE have feelings, and... Angel is back?!?!?! A doozy indeed. It's Season 7 Episode 21: End of Days.SNAG VIRTUAL TICKETS TO OUR TWO NIGHT FINALE + GET EXCLUSIVE FINALE MERCH!!
September 17 & 18 on Moment
Jenny Owen Youngs: @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo: @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering the Vampire Slayer: @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagramLearn more about our team at Produced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and Alba DazaWith support from consultant Mackenzie MacDadeEdited by: John Mark Nelson & Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine Thune
"End of Days" was written, produced and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs
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+++We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples. Alba occupies Tiohtià:ke of the Kanien’kehá:ka Nation. Mack, LaToya, Morgan, and John Mark occupy the lands of the Kizh Peoples.
Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts
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