Episode description
Amy Emberling, Managing Partner of Zingerman’s Bakehousend, has been an avid food lover and baker since her childhood in Nova Scotia, Canada where she often treated friends to after-school concoctions. She grew up in a family business and always hoped to have her own business one day.
In addition to her work at the Bakehouse, Amy also teaches seminars for ZingTrain in two
seminars: Leading with Zing and Bottom Line Training. She is also one of the partners of
Zingerman’s Candy Manufactory (with Charlie Frank), which was developed in the bakery.
In this episode we talk a bit about:
- Letting systems help during those times when your people aren’t at their best.
- Finding and hiring the right kind of people.
- One way of defining success for each member of your team.
Episode 7 Questions
- Do your systems allow people to fall back on them to achieve the organizational goals if they’re not having the best day and need a hand to create a great customer experience?
- Are people aware of what your company really stands for and what they’re getting into when they choose to come work for your company?
- Is your hiring, training, and ongoing development in alignment with your mission and vision of what you want your company to look like in 5, 10, 15 years?
I would love to see your answers at one of the many Inspired and Intentional outlets:
You can find show notes, the questions, at inspiredandintentional.com/episode007. While there you can also sign up to be kept up to date on the latest podcasts and happenings in the world of Inspired and Intentional business news.
I can also be reached on Twitter @ToddAReed, on LinkedIn at LinkedIn.com/in/toddareed, and on Facebook, search for inspired and intentional.
You can get hold of Amy by emailing her at aemberling@zingermans.com.
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Next week we’ll continue our talk with Amy Emberling. She’ll cover issues like training systems, getting dissenting opinions to bubble up in your team, and having those difficult employee conversations.
Thank you for listening and until next week, be inspired and intentional.
The inspired and intentional business podcast is copyright 2015 by it’s owner. The music is Funk Game Loop, Kevin MacLeod Royalty Free from Incompatech. Thank you for sharing your talent.