While watching a news segment about the stress and overwhelm many working women face, I cringed at the phrase "work+life balance". What was being sold as a solution to this problem of overwhelm was actually just teaching people to multitask and leading to MORE stress.
In this episode, I focus on shifting you away from work-life balance and talk about how you can create Work + Life Harmony instead. By shifting away from the quest for balance and towards harmony, you will be able to live a life that is more productive and free from so much stress and overwhelm.
In this episode, you will learn:
1. Uncovering why the phrase "work-life balance" is actually doing more harm than good.
2. Understanding why multitasking is not the answer to overwhelm and stress.
3. Exploring how to create a life of harmony, rather than balance, to reduce stress and overwhelm.
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Thanks for tuning in!
Megan 🩷🐝