Jackie Vanderworth is a trailblazer. Before the term “Transgender” was ever known widely, Jackie knew who she was, and was determined to live her life. She grew up in a small town, but wouldn’t let small-minded individuals limit who she is. She used her sense of style, and sharp wit to demonstrate confidence.
The national statistics on transgender individuals regarding hate crimes, suicide, employment, etc. are staggering and do not paint a picture of an easy life. Jackie refused to be defined by her circumstances.
While many would think this life, in this timeframe of our history would be filled with with conflict and drama, you'll be surprised to hear Jackie describe her coming out, search for employment and family relationships. Jackie's perseverance and commitment to living her life authentically and on her terms has been a winning strategy for her, and it's made her the socialite and well-respected member of the community she is.