Ginette Rhodes was a senior at The Ohio State University and President of OSU’s NAACP chapter when we found her seated on a panel during a Rosa Parks remembrance event next to a New York Times best-selling author and a university professor. She spoke so eloquently about complex racial issues and shared her personal stories of growing up in St Louis in a predominantly black neighborhood before moving to a new neighborhood in which she was clearly the racial minority.
While Ginette is young, her wisdom is deep and rooted in common sense. She challenges you to think hard and gives you a reason to examine your own behaviors in such an inviting way that you want to listen and learn.
She’s an accomplished public speaker, an academic scholar, a researcher, historian and recently had the honor of participating in the Congressional Black Caucus’ Boot Camp under-representation of Congresswoman Joyce Beatty.
We take on a lot of topics, and you’re going to love her. Grab a beverage and get comfortable. You’re not going to want to miss a word Ginette has to say. Enjoy!