Ep 300 of RevolutiopnZ is the fifteenth in the Next American Revolution Sequence. This time Bert Dellinger, Emiliano Feynman, Leslie Zinn, Barbara Bethune, Robin Kunstler, Anton Rocker, and Harriett Lennon discuss social media, mass and alternative media, health, clinics, and hospitals, courts and police, education, workplace makeovers, and allocation innovations as instances of planting seeds for the RPS future in the present. I again interject comments every so often.
Have you ever heard anyone ask, "yes, things are horrible, but what can we do about it?" Here is what RPS organizers did in their time to win gains and prepare to win still more gains on the road to attaining a participatory society. Can their future programmatic choices provide insights into our current possibilities? Can their future successes usefully inspire our potential current choices? Miguel Guevara, the interviewer, thinks so. I hope so. Give a listen and perhaps check out the text on ZNet too, to decide for yourself.