Episode 289 of RevolutionZ is the sixth episode in the Oral History of the Next American Revolution Sequence. In it Barbara Bethune, Emiliano Feynman, Bill Hampton, Cynthia Parks, Harriet Lennon, and Anton Rocker discuss the initial emergence and pursuit of various strands of RPS activism including health, transport, housing, rights to the city, minimum wage, and workplace focuses. In each realm participants discuss the oppressions addressed but more so the strategies and the emotional problems encountered and steps taken to keep moving forward.
As you can probably tell from the unexpected length -- it took me by surprise too --- this episode covers a lot more ground, as well bicycle campaigns to shorter work week and friction and play along the way. The interviewees put their experiences into words. Miguel Guevara elicits their words with his questions. Finally, I convey those words and also question or expand on them a bit as your host for this trip. If you find the time, drop me a line to let me know your reactions, or better yet, you might visit ZNetwork.org where you can read the text and also partake of discussions in the ZNet Discord system.