DISCLAIMER: Fr. Josh dives deep into details about the first question on same-sex love. Especially for parents listening with children in the car, please discern whether or not your child is ready to learn more about the specifics of homosexual intercourse.
Fr. Josh answers questions about why the Catholic Church cannot support same-sex relationships, how to be a conscientious consumer without being overly scrupulus, and what happens to priests who leave the priesthood.
If you have a question, comment, or response for Fr. Josh, email us at askfrjosh@ascensionpress.com. You may hear your question or comment in an upcoming podcast episode!
Snippet from the Show
“If we stop at the creature, and not the creator, we’ll be left unfulfilled. A sexual relationship [in marriage] is not the end we were created for. It can be a means to an end, which is God, but it can’t be an end in itself. ”
Glory Story (1:11)
The past two weeks Fr. Josh’s parish as been holding the Love and Mercy Academy to help their middle schoolers recognizes how much God loves them, the gifts the Church, and the gifts of the Saints. Being a spiritual father is such a gift!
Listener Feedback (5:08)
Same-Sex Love (9:14)
Hey Father, I am Catholic and also I am a gay man. I feel like I agree with most teachings of the church, but this issue is insurmountable for me. I want to fall in love and truly believe that I can have a healthy sexual relationship with a man. Why can't I have this? Also, why does the church insist on using the term "same sex attraction" as opposed to "gay" and "homosexual"?
Boycotting Netflix (22:50)
Hi Father Josh, First, I want to thank you for your podcast! It has been a God-send because it has been helping me navigate evangelizing the Faith. While simultaneously, growing deeper in my relationship with Christ. Plus, it feels like when I listen to your podcast we’re drinking coffee and chatting at Full of Grace Cafe (even though I live in California). Father, you’re such a humble and wise priest. Can I say that? Know that I carry you and all your brother priests in my prayers!
Here is some background first before I ask my question. These questions are based off scrolling through some Catholic accounts on Instagram. These accounts have been basing their posts off information that has been shared on the media about the recent Heartbeat bills in the South. But I can’t help but wrap my head around how DIVIDED the nation feels about LIFE. Praise God these Heartbeat bills are passing! Because it all boils down to LIFE. Now all of these companies, such as Netflix, are saying they’ll leave the state of Georgia because they passed or passing a Heartbeat bill. My question comes from seeing Catholic accounts on Instagram saying that their followers should cancel Netflix because they won’t support Georgia and it’s heartbeat bill. When I asked my Mom, who is Catholic, says it’s okay to enjoy Netflix because we need to enjoy life too. Either way it doesn’t feel right. I just want to be a conscientious consumer of goods while standing firm for what our Church believes in.
Here is the question: If we like goods from certain companies, like Netflix, should we the Faithful stop consuming goods from companies who are Pro-Choice altogether? Or should we stand in solidarity in what we believe in, and quit Netflix? I’m not sure if I make sense. But I hope it’s clear what I am asking. I look forward to hear your answer to this question. Thank you Father!
Leaving the Priesthood (33:10)
I know this is a difficult subject to discuss, but I am curious about how the Church manages priests who leave the priesthood, either temporarily or permanently. Are these men still allowed to receive the sacraments if they continue to faithfully practice Catholicism and observe the precepts of the Church? Speaking specifically of the diocesan priesthood, how common is it for a priest to leave the ministry? Personally, I know a handful of men who have left the diocesan priesthood, and it's incredibly sad - and they often leave the Church altogether.
Universal Call to Holiness (39:08)
What can we all take away from each of these questions?
Same-Sex Love - It is not lifegiving. God wants us to participate in things that bring us health and life.
Boycotting Netflix - Whenever we come together to address social evils, we can see powerful fruits.
Leaving the Priesthood - As the Body of Christ we are called to accompany our brothers and to love them well and to not push them away from the Sacraments if they fall away from their state of life vocations.
Want to browse the previous resources Fr. Josh has recommended? Go to ascensionpress.com/askfrjosh to select an episode and view the shownotes.
Broken and Blessed (https://shop.ascensionpress.com/products/broken-and-blessed-an-invitation-to-my-generation) book by Fr. Josh Johnson
Research on health and same-sex relations (https://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF08L44.pdf) from Family Research Council
Same-Sex Love, Boycotting Netflix, Leaving the Priesthood | Ask Father Josh (Your Catholic Question and Answer Podcast) - Listen or read transcript on Metacast