Original Air Date: 2/14/20223
Today, we take a look at some origins, alternatives and misunderstandings of capitalism from the Dutch East India Company, to Adam Smith and up through the planned obsolescence and marketing that have tricked us all into working far harder than necessary while failing to make us happy.
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Ch. 1: Indigenous Economics with Tyson Yunkaporta (In Conversation) - Upstream - Air Date 11-10-21
Ch. 3: We don't understand Capitalism. Part One - UNFTR - Air Date 1-27-23
Ch. 4: Your Work Is Not Your Worth - OFF-KILTER with Rebecca Vallas - Air Date 10-21-22
Ch. 5: We don't understand Capitalism. Part Two. - UNFTR - Air Date 1-27-23
Ch. 6: Economics for a New Year - Economic Update with Richard Wolff - Air Date 1-19-23
Ch. 7: Indigenous Economics with Tyson Yunkaporta (In Conversation) Part 2 - Upstream - Air Date 11-10-21
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com