Air Date 1/23/2024
The recent discovery of hundreds of bodies buried behind a jail in unmarked graves sparks a renewed discussion about the futility and counter-productiveness of our system of incarceration and the context of our history that has brought us to this point.
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#1313 Why Prison Abolition is not Nearly as Scary as it Sounds
The discovery of 215 bodies buried in unmarked graves behind a jail outside of Jackson, Mississippi, has left a community in disbelief. The families are angry they were never notified of the deaths and how their loved ones are buried
Ch. 2: The Most Infamous Jail in America - Olurinatti - Air Date 3-29-23
Bail reform is essential in the fight to close horrible pre-trial detention centers like Rikers Island.
8 Ways You Can Advocate for Justice Reform in 2024 (Vera)
Prison and Jail Reform (Brennan Center for Justice)
Criminal Justice Reform (Equal Justice Initiative)
Cutting Jail and Prison Populations (Brennan Center for Justice)
Curated by BOTL Communications Director Amanda Hoffman
MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)
Description: Photograph of the outside of Coyote Ridge Corrections Center. Barbed wire lines the fences of the entrance in front of the dark gray cement building with tinted windows.
Credit: "A sagebrush sea change from behind barbed wire" by U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Flickr | License: CC BY 2.0 | Changes: Cropped