Episode description
Air Date 1/2/2024
Trump's greatest impact has been to bring the fringes of the conservative movement into the center and, by strongly courting the Evangelical Christian vote, helped accelerate the Christian Nationalist movement to merge religion with patriotism
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Ch. 1: A Threat to Church and State - Confronting Christian Nationalism - Air Date 9-9-23
In this episode, we’ll hear from experts, authors, and theologians who will help articulate what Christian Nationalism is, what it’s not, and why it’s a a threat to both the church and democracy.
Ch. 2: How Trump Is Dividing The Evangelical Church - Fresh Air - Air Date 11-29-23
Journalist Tim Alberta grew up in a conservative, republican, evangelical church, where his father was the pastor. He wanted to know why so many evangelical Christians had become extremists, and ardent supporters of Trump.
Ch. 3: How Trump Has Transformed Evangelicals - Radio Atlantic - Air Date 12-14-23
How did evangelical Christians shift from being reluctant supporters of Trump to among his most passionate defenders? How did some evangelicals, historically suspicious of politicians, develop a “fanatical cult-like attachment” to Donald Trump?
Ch. 4: Will MAGA Mike Inflict a Religious Crusade on America? - The Hartmann Report - Air Date 11-2-23
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is closely tied to Christian groups that want to make America a theocracy. So why does he support policies that are so contrary to Christ's teachings? Plus - Handmaiden Tale Alert!
In an interview with Kristen Welker on Meet the Press, author and writer Tim Alberta discusses the role of white evangelical Christians in building support for Donald Trump’s presidency and the “uneasy alliance” the community established with him.
Jeff Sharlet has spent two decades covering the intersection of extreme Christian nationalism and the far-right. In his new book, Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War, he gives snapshots of a country rapidly devolving into a Christian fascist state.
As the 2024 presidential election campaign heats up, Republican front-runner Donald Trump is escalating his racist rhetoric, repeatedly saying in recent days that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country,” drawing comparisons to Hitler.
Ch. 9: Final comments on the idolatry at the heart of Christian Nationalism
MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)
Description: The image of a cross leans into the frame over a representation of the American flag.
Credit: "Cross banner USA flag cross sign" by Kalhh, Pixabay | License: Creative Commons (CC0)
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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