Air Date 5/21/2024
Whether by the US government playing matchmaker for the domestic weapons industry or through the illegal trade of the 'iron river,' the US is the leading seller of weapons around the world, fueling violence and conflict, oppression and rights abuses.
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FP 1: US Leads Global Arms Sales - American Prestige - Air Date 3-15-24
FP 2: How Washington Plays Matchmaker For The US Gun Industry Part 1 - Big Take - Air Date 10-30-23
FP 3: Can a lawsuit stop Mexico’s ‘iron river’ of guns? - The Take - Air Date 8-13-21
On the problems with looking for good or bad intentions
(1:08:24) SECTION A:
A1: Inside Biden's Secret Arms Deal - Deconstructed - Air Date 9-22-23
(1:30:10) SECTION B:
B1: Can Mexico win... Part 2 - The Inquiry - Air Date 3-7-24
(1:42:43) SECTION C:
C1: Why America's police look like soldiers - Vox - Air Date 6-25-20
C2: Why US gun laws get looser after mass shootings - Vox - Air Date 7-28-22
MUSIC (Blue Dot Sessions)
Description: A square version of the American flag with silhouettes of guns and bombs in place of white stars. Three bombs are falling from the pattern across the red and white stripes.
Credit: Pixabay image modified by A.Hoffman
Produced by Jay! Tomlinson
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