Everyone wants to think originally. Everyone wants to articulate their thoughts in an impactful way. Everyone wants to be respected for their mind, not their body or physical effort that slowly declines with time. This video may help.
––– Free Guides & Mini Courses –––
One-Person Business Foundations (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com
Generate Infinite Creative Ideas (free): https://7daystogeniusideas.com
13 Brand, Content, & Marketing Trainings (free): https://theone-personbusiness.com/#trainings
––– Kortex –––
My writing and note-taking app: https://kortex.co
The Kortex Discord: https://discord.gg/kortex
The persuasive thinking template: https://app.kortex.co/public/document/bec7fcec-d76c-4d00-8669-37f53892fead
Free second brain course (and community): https://community.kortex.co
The Writer's Bootcamp (now with YouTube strategy): https://bootcamp.kortex.co
––– My Products –––
My book: http://theartoffocusbook.com
One-Person Business Launchpad: https://thedankoe.com/get/opbl My Idea Museum (write faster): https://thedankoe.com/get/idea-museum 2 Hour-Writer (foundational skill): https://2hourwriter.com
––– More Content –––
The Koe Letter - the written version of this video: https://thedankoe.com/letters
This podcast was originally a YouTube video: https://youtu.be/jhoG3WcECnw
––– Socials –––
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedankoe Instagram: https://instagram.com/thedankoe YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/DanKoeTalks LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/thedankoe