Cara Dyba, is the Director of the Grove ministry here at Passion City Church. She is married to Jason Dyba and mother of two incredible boys, Roman + Asa Dyba. Cara has both faithfully worked and served here at Passion City Church for the past 8 years as a Grove staff team member + DoorHolder on our worship team. A great deal of all that goes into the Grove is a product of both Cara's vision and oversight. Together, her and Shelley have been faithful stewards over the legacy and history that is the Grove.
In today's episode, God completely shifted the direction of where our team thought we were going. In a turn of a few quick events, we found ourselves pivoting toward God's plans to have Cara Dyba sit down with Shelley Giglio and have a discussion around living a life open to pivoting. Cara's entire testimony up until this point has been a life of needing to understand when God was divinely stepping in to interrupt and shift the direction she was headed. And as He always promises in His word - These shifts were for His Glory and her good. Our team prays that while you listen to Cara's testimony, God would prompt you to review your own story for the ways He's been faithful to carry you through your own pivots. To connect with Cara on her story or around all she is doing to steward the Grove email her here at
The Grove is a part of the Passion City Church family here in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow us @pcc_thegrove on Instagram and visit for more information about The Grove heartbeat, our seasonal gatherings and our FLOURISH mentoring journey.