DawnCheré Wilkerson is a steadfast friend of The Grove and joined us for our last local gathering of the Spring of 2022, when she delivered the most stunning and memorable talk built on gratitude and Psalm 118:24 – a call to REJOICE ANYWAY – no matter the circumstance. DawnCheré and her husband, Rich live in Miami with their three amazing kids where they faithfully pastor Vous Church and where DawnCheré leads a beautiful sisterhood called Vous Girl.
As women of The Grove, we believe firmly in the power of gathering. If you live in the Atlanta area, join us in person for one of our gatherings at Passion City Church. We have seen hearts changed month after month and invite you to be in the room with us next time!
If you find encouragement in this message, listen back to previous episodes featuring Courtney and Hannah. They have served our team since the early days of The Grove and continue to bring lift through their obedient yes.
The Grove is a part of the Passion City Church family here in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow @pcc_thegrove on Instagram and visit thegroveonline.com for more information about The Grove, our gatherings and our FLOURISH mentoring journey.