Hosanna Wong is a spoken word artist, author, preacher, wife and friend of The Grove. We were so honored to have her join us for our 10th Grove Christmas :: TESTIFY. During this night she delivered a powerful message on being honest with yourself and allowing Jesus to accept, love and lead you right where you are in life. She shared the importance of embracing a new identity in Him in order to feel release from the idol of comparison and how that release brings freedom to love Jesus fully. The best part of it all is that she shared not 1 but 2 original spoken word pieces that were a tremendous blessing to the women in the room. Hosanna and her husband, Guy, serve faithfully on teaching teams at different churches throughout the United States. If you want to keep up with all Hosanna is doing visit her at hosannawong.com
As women of The Grove, we believe firmly in the power of gathering. If you haven't yet purchased your Grove Conference ticket, then please join us in person at either our 515 or Cumberland location here in Atlanta, GA. Over the past 10 years we've seen hearts changed month after month at our local gatherings, and feel so excited for all God is going to do in our midst together at a two day conference. We invite you to be in the room with us by registering today at The Grove Conference to claim your spot!
The Grove is a part of the Passion City Church family here in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow @pcc_thegrove on Instagram and visit thegroveonline.com for more information about The Grove, our gatherings and FLOURISH a mentoring journey.