Jennie Allen is a Bible teacher, New York Times bestselling author, and the founder + visionary of IF:Gathering. She is married to Zac Allen and they are the parents to four wonderful young adult and adolescent children Kate, Conner, Cooper and Caroline. Jennie has a heart and a passion for this generation of women. She believes in helping women to love God more every day, to see Him for who He is through His Word and to help women learn to give Him away as they meet the people around them. Her life and her work testify to this mission that she lives out with such urgency.
In this episode, Jennie Allen sits down with our friend, Hannah Brencher, to have a discussion around Psalm 23:2 and this biblical principle of rest. Throughout the conversation Jennie gracefully uncovers how God helped her understand rest by realizing that it had little to do with ceasing, but truly meant learning to trust and abide in Him. The idea of rest can often be one that we as women often reject but Jennie helps us see the invitation and leadership of God to release us from work and striving. We pray that we can all receive this encouragement today, to trust and abide in the Father. To learn more about Jennie, the IF:Gathering, and any of her resources she has authored, visit, follow her on IG @jennieallen or connect with @ifgathering for more information.
The Grove is part of the Passion City Church family here in Atlanta, Georgia. Follow @pcc_thegrove on Instagram and visit for more information about The Grove heartbeat and our Grove gatherings. To learn more about our Flourish Mentoring Journey visit