Episode 331 Show Notes
Topic of the show: Weather
RH and AG discuss weather as it relates to ATC. Patron EG sent feedback about a resource she has created for increasing pilot safety! Bravo! https://www.youtube.com/@AeroSafe
Timely Feedback:
1. Patron AW tells us tales of center superiority and flight data flight plan restoration.
2. Patron CM from the frozen north sent audio feedback about the frozen norther.
3. Patron SE sent two feedbacks about expected routing and sea plane bases.
4. Patron BY talks about expected routing.
5. Patron PS tells us about the lingo for the float plane fraternity
1. THE Charlie Alpha sent feedback about the emerald city controllers and their amazing work.
2. Patron AC sent a question about opposing and crossing downwinds.
3. Patron MM sent a photo of a proposed airspace redesign at sunny southern airport.
4. Patron DB tells us how AG hurt him and some comments about tower’s airspace, pointouts and audio sound bites.
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can supportour show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website. Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Music bumpers by audionautix.com. Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.
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