Episode 362 Show Notes
Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss the dreaded flashing red light from the control tower indicating it was unsafe to land. The pilot was experiencing an emergency and determined landing was the safest way to conclude the flight. Why would a tower controller deny a landing? What other options does the pilot have during a no-radio emergency?
Timely Feedback:
1. Patron KK shares some follow up about the nasty-gram from the airport authority regarding noise abatement.
2. SGAC Patron WC offers a compromise for noise abatement concerns.
3. Patron AMB shares a creative crew scheduling technique.
4. Patron MIK shares audio about Cowboy Delta visual approaches.
1. Patron SRD shared a story of getting locked out of their own flight deck while parked at the gate!
2. Patron SS shares a story of a friendly TRACON controller offering flight following.
Mentioned on the show:. AOPA Airport Support Network: https://www.aopa.org/advocacy/airports-and-airspace/airport-advocacy/asn.
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