Episode 357 Show Notes
Topic of the show: Not Getting Flight Following and Why It’s Bad. On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss how a flight following request would have prevented a near midair collision at a busy Class C airport. Why is remaining outside the Charlie legal but not necessarily safe? Can pilots get better service by simply calling ATC? This incident got a lot of attention and we want to reiterate the controller did a great job! We had a lot of fun recording this episode and you don’t want to miss it!
Timely Feedback:
1. Patron ES talks about a suggestion for putting on foggles if disoriented in IMC, very interesting!
2. Patron MK comments on the controller that assisted a pilot in trouble in IMC and talks about CYA culture.
3. SGAC TR says thanks and mentions DPE RH’s role in getting into OB
1. SGAC AK has an ODP and diverse vector area question
2. Patron GH discusses GPS spoofing
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website. Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Music bumpers by audionautix.com. Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.
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