Episode 339 Show Notes
Topic of the show: On this week’s show, AG and RH discuss another legal interpretation about lost communications. We offer our simple to follow advice on how to avoid this situation altogether and protect yourself in the event of an emergency deviation from the regulations. We also discuss safety programs designed to protect pilots and controllers and enhance safety in the NAS. The Opposing Bases 1980's rockband theme song is also included in this episode. Enjoy!
Timely Feedback:
1. SGAC Patron SE shared feedback about a great procedure for flight following in the northwestern part of the US. https://mikekloch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/rdm-corridor-exp-12-13-2025-003.pdf
2. Patron ES shares a New York Bravo story and the ease of a Class Bravo transition.
3. Patron CP really wants to see a full broadway production of OB, The Musical.
4. Patron AA has made a career change!
5. Patron AM shares a couple benefits of flight following we haven’t emphasized enough lately.
6. Patron RW shares audio about the hidden benefits of flighth following.
1. Patron DF sent audio and asked if there are programse like the NASA reporting program for controllers.
2. Patron DF sent audio and asked about controller’s readiness to report pilot violations.
3. Patron TWR shares a recent story about an electrical failure in busy airspace.
Mentioned on the show:. https://mikekloch.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/rdm-corridor-exp-12-13-2025-003.pdf
Have a great week and thanks for listening! Visit our website at OpposingBases.com You can support our show using Patreon or visiting our support page on the website. Keep the feedback coming, it drives the show! Don’t be shy, use the “Send Audio to AG and RH” button on the website and record an audio message. Or you can send us comments or questions to feedback@opposingbases.com. Music bumpers by audionautix.com. Third party audio provided by liveatc.net.
Legal Notice The views and opinions expressed on Opposing Bases Air Traffic Talk are for entertainment purposes only and do not represent the views, opinions, or official positions of the FAA, Penguin Airlines, or the United States Army. Episodes shall not be recorded or transcribed without express written consent. For official guidance on laws, rules, and regulations, consult an aviation attorney or certified flight instructor.