Great leadership rests on a great irony––to lead you must serve. To be first, you must be last. This week, we have a necessary, yet uncomfortable leadership conversation with our good friend, Andy Stanley, about his new book, Not In It to Win It.
This conversation is unique because it’s the first of its kind on the Maxwell Leadership Podcast. That’s because this episode is geared toward leaders, specifically church leaders, who have found themselves poorly navigating the current, often volatile, politically charged leadership landscape we exist in today.
As you’ll learn, many church leaders have allowed political divisiveness to take president over values-based, people-centric, servant leadership––the kind of leadership that builds bridges, not walls.
Whether you’re a leader in the church or not, we invite you into this conversation to learn about the importance of values-based leadership in all areas of the leadership landscape. If you’re a church leader, we hope you take this to heart as we learn from one of the greatest leadership teachers in history––Jesus of Nazareth. If you’re not a church leader, or even a person of faith, we invite you to consider this a case study about what happens when leaders put personal agendas before people.
So, what can you expect out of this conversation? You can expect to walk away with a better understanding of how to serve those you lead, because everyone deserves to be led well.
Our BONUS resource for this episode is the “Not In It to Win It with Andy Stanley Worksheet,” which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.”
Not In It to Win It by Andy Stanley
The Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast