My guest this week is Captain DadPool (@Captain_DadPool), an Iraq war vet and TikTok atheist. We discuss his de-conversion, how he got into the world of TikTok, and why it seems like a valuable platform for atheist outreach. This episode unintentionally ended up being the second in an informal three part series of chats with former conservative christians who went into the military and also are now liberal atheists. I found the overlaps and differences between the stories really interesting.
Convocation: The mushrooms in Aaron's head
Captain's links:
Music by GW Rodriguez
Sibling Pods:
Philosophers in Space:
Filmed Live Musicals Pod:
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Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!
My guest for next episode had me on their show to discuss the Better Way antivaxxer conference:
I doubt it pod (discussing luck):
Skeptics with a K:
Next Episode: Philosophy of Conspiracism with M.R.X. Dentith