When I was pregnant with my fourth baby, I learned something fascinating about labor – in between contractions, our bodies release oxytocin, flooding us with feel-good hormones. This completely changed my birth experience because I started focusing on these moments of relief instead of just anticipating the next contraction.
This principle, when we choose to magnify applies to every season of motherhood. Whether you’re navigating toddler tantrums, teenage conversations, pregnancy challenges, or relationship struggles, we can choose what we focus on.
In this episode, I dive into:
Why our brains naturally focus on the negative
How magnifying the hard moments can seep into our relationships
The difference between acknowledging difficult seasons and letting them consume us
Practical ways to start noticing and appreciating the good moments
How to train your brain to look for what’s going well
Whether you’re in the trenches of morning sickness, managing strong-willed toddlers, or navigating big kid challenges, the conversation will help you find more joy in your days without denying the hard parts.
And, don’t forget to grab the free five-step path from surviving to thriving checklist to help you identify where you are on the path and what you can do