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As programmers, it’s our job to be at our computer for extended periods of time. And, if you’re anything like us, the longer you sit there, the worse your posture becomes. Without even realizing it, you begin to extend your neck, bringing your face closer to the screen. You hunch your shoulders forward and slump in your chair.
But, not only that... There are a LOT of related health problems that could also come from sitting too much in front of a computer.
When we sit down certain parts of our bodies shut down. Our muscular and cellular systems were put to sleep causing our chances of things like diabetes to increase. Here is a list of the things that happen:
● Blood starts to flow slower, your muscles start to burn less fat
● The pancrease releases more insulin, increasing your risk of diabetes upwards of 90% (if you sit more than 8 hours a day)
● The increase insulin production from sitting is also linked to an increase in colon and breast cancers
● It slows the rate at which you digest your food
● Your brain gets less oxygen slowing down cognitive performance
● You get strained neck and shoulder problems
● Back problems from extra pressure on your spine
● You use your abs and legs less so you are getting weaker muscles
● Hips and glutes become tight putting you at risk of more injury
● Lack of use of the bones sets up for having weaker bones
Now that was a lot but if we could sum it all up in a few maim things it would be:
● It weakens your muscles and bones
● It increases your chances for deadly cancers and diabetes
● It reduces your ability to think straight and process issues as well
This is when exercising comes into play, when it comes to improving your overall health as a programmer.
In today's video we will talk about the dangers of sitting down too much and the exercises you can make in order to overcome the dangers that come with it.