We traveled North for 17 hours and drove into a wicked ice storm... Portland was an ice skating rink and massive trees were snapped at their trunk and strewn on the highway.
CORRECTION: Estonia is a Baltic nation, not a Scandinavian country.
Scottish correspondent writes in to share information on candy prices and to officially invite us to The Edinburgh Festival Fringe... which we didn't know about... Wikipedia says it is the world's largest arts festival, which in 2018 spanned 25 days and featured more than 55,000 performances of 3,548 different shows in 317 venues.
Letter from our Science Correspondent Sue... the topics of feral children, a Guns N Roses concert, vintage playgrounds & Gibson LP guitars are discussed.
Cat's are murderous lovers who can exhibit a massive range of emotions.
The story of cyclist Ray and the very fast German Sheppard...
Tina sends in an update on Taylor Swift. Was she nice to meet?
Please send in your "moving as a kid" stories to OTDMPOD@gmail.com
Austin's first Newspaper Dojo and BBQ Pit.
The story of the Mini Chief smoker & the fire department
Should big tech should allow you to opt-out of their search and discovery.
New York City...
The 70's NY produced amazing art. Bonnie, Little Italy please check out her wonderful art: https://bonnierychlak.net/
Our Austrian correspondent Christoph, contacts us with kind words of positivity. Or did we hire an actor with fabulous hair... Fender vs Gibson, Chevy vs Ford:
Rivalry!! Send in your stories of rivalry: OTDMPOD@gmail.com
Horse Racing industry: clarification about the good and bad of the industry.
Do horses actually have it better than we do? Healthcare, beer, and wine??
Holy Shit Balls!!! Our resident artist & Travel agent, Jeremey writes in to encourage the global OTDM audience to pick up drawing as a therapeutic skill. Also, pigs, pools of poo, and an unfortunate tumble.
Nora the artist sends in samples of her unique works - which we love. You can find her Instagram account @sunsettreestudio
Sean, BMX and building a big dirt jump.
Single parents in the time of Covid. Two very difficult jobs: parenting and being a teacher
The Life Of Brian... "Life's a Piece of Shit When You Look At It... So Always Look on The Bright Side Of Life"
Send your fan art to OTDMpod@gmail.com
Leave us a voice message at https://www.speakpipe.com/OTDM
The video version of Opinions That Don't Matter
Ask Kati Anything! (2nd podcast)
audio: https://askkatianything.buzzsprout.com/
TikTok @Katimorton
Instagram @katimorton
TikTok @hatori_seanzo
Instagram @seansaintlouis
BUSINESS EMAIL linnea@toneymedia.com
MAIL PO Box #665 1223 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403