Amongst other topics, this week we dive into Halloween stories, our costumes & parties. Which Halloween costumes should be canceled? Socially distanced Trick or Treating.
Carol Shelby movie on Netflix: he was an international racing star, failed chicken farmer, creator of the Mustang Shelby, AC COBRA, Daytona Coupe. His life lessons of never giving up were fantastic. They made a movie recently about it. Ford v Ferrari. 24 hrs Lemans. To this day, Sean’s dream car is a 1966 Ford gt350 Shelby Mustang. Although, he would like one from Revology
Shelby American: The Carroll Shelby Story
Sean’s dream garage is a neat workspace for working on his old Ducati motorcycle.
Audience emails: Tractor Pulls & Pickup Pulls explained; now we’re fans!
Using Tile to find things you lost… also a good idea to put in your kid's shoes.
Automated lawn sprinkler systems are expensive.
iPhone 12? iPhone 11? New features, better camera? Are they any good? Why don’t they come with a manual? Pixel 4 does not pair with android auto. Cell phones are not ergonomic.
More info on Billy Sol Estes the Texas Con Artist
Children raised by helicopter parents are growing up and we have a bit of a mess on hand. Kids should not get trophies unless they win.
Talking about Joey Diaz: peals of wisdom from a flawed human (we’re all flawed, he just has the cajones to share his flaws publicly). UNCLE JOEY’S JOINT
Podcast “In California people pay to keep your kids entertained, elsewhere, kids learn to entertain themselves.” Paraphrased, but a great point. ...Adversity, and competition are helpful in childhood.
Man-cave or Bond villain fortress? Guns N' Roses Pinball, a stereo system, a 2020 Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard, pool table, dartboard, a shark with laser beams, missile silo & setting up a home gym.
Sober October updates: Sean is feeling clear-headed, Kati feels sharp as ever. Fewer calories = losing weight.
Kati’s Tik Tok @Katimorton
Sean’s Tik Tok @hatori_seanz
Video version of Opinions That Don't Matter
Ask Kati Anything! (2nd podcast)
Ordering Kati's book
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