We cover a lot of important ground this week starting with...
If Trump wins “I’m Leaving The Country”. How can you leave? Simply follow Douglas Adams’ instructions on How To Leave The Planet. In regards to Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy would you choose Vogon poetry reading or Sean’s singing voice?
Kati's reading list
Where the Crawdads Sing
Think And Grow Rich
Little Fires Everywhere
What does it mean to be verified by a social media platform?
How do men show their friends that they care? The 6th Love Language… Shit talking
Glow on Netflix has been canceled.
Goliath season 4 on Amazon has been delayed the show has been impacted by coronavirus COVID-19
The Los Angeles Lakers fans celebrating by rioting?
Why do laundry dryers have lint traps in front of them? Samsung, Maytag, Bosch, Whirlpool, GE, Electrolux, Miele
Body Shaming Billie Eilish and leaving mean comments on other people’s social media. Is it Fat Shaming or Constructive Criticism?
Goliath quote: “Your Bad Day Doesn’t Have To Be My Bad Day”
Hyper-consumerism, Christmas shopping. Are merch drops worth it? Why do merch drops happen? Sneakerheads love it.
Mike Lindell MyPillow, Bed Sheets & the art of the pitch
The Mountain Lion chased the hiker on Tik Tok. Why do people film themselves being attacked by wild animals? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Pg2CDCm34w
Kati makes up a new word. Oversharalopolis -- meaning “to oversharing online”
Austrian Accordion? Or do they play bagpipes there?
Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Aniston non-update.
Amazon shipping mistakes, USPS Postal delivery mistakes, mail-in ballots, and the media frenzy
Eating Free Samples At Costco
Is the tractor pull a sport? Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has a dark secret!
"Best In Show" movie recommendation https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=147&v=Ni_ecvfrfvg&feature=emb_logo
Gwyneth Paltrow Cutting off a school bus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnOLRA0Pftk
The time Sean interacted with Kim Kardashian, Tracy Anderson, Gwyneth Paltrow on the same night.
I have Lost my CryptoCurrency, Bitcoin or XRP?
Bonnie Rychlak the artist https://www.bonnierychlak.net/
Tim Dillon Rant On People Who Love Sports
Kati’s Tik Tok @Katimorton
Sean’s Tik Tok @hatori_seanz
Video version of Opinions That Don't Matter
Ask Kati Anything! (2nd podcast)
audio: https://askkatianything.buzzsprout.com/
Ordering Kati's book
Are u ok? http://bit.ly/2s0mULy
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