When you've got PMS on steroids, the rage and depression are exponential.
Ever hear of pre-menstrual dysphoria disorder?
They call it PMDD for short, and it's a very real and serious hormonal disorder that affects up to 10% of women!
Symptoms include things mood swings (aka rage attacks), sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, depression, and even severe panic attacks.
Many women with PMDD are either extremely tired or have bouts of insomnia. And then there's excessive crying and other emotional swings. Not to mention all the bloating, gastro issues, food cravings, and possible weight gain.
Phew. I need a nap after writing that alone!
Today my guest Heidi and I unpack what PMDD is, the symptoms of PMDD, how PMDD can be linked to post-partum issues, and how to talk to your doctor about getting a diagnosis.
If you've been following along on in the last few months, we've talked a lot about menstrual health, hormones, and cycle syncing. We've uncovered numerous ways our menstrual cycle relates to ADHD symptoms in women. It's fascinating and disturbing at the same time. But there is hope, Successful Mama!
Heidi Hogarth is a naturopath, a mom of two, and a PMDD survivor. She's on a mission to support women who suffer from PMDD and help them find the best natural health tools so they can get off the hormonal emotional rollercoasters & back to their calm, positive, and loving selves.
She's a wealth of knowledge when it comes to understanding symptoms of PMDD. She offers insight into what supplements and dietary changes can help you when you feel like you are suffering from PMDD.
A big thank you to Heidi for helping women understand their bodies so they can do what they can to live a happy and healthy life.
If you are looking for more resources to help you along in your ADHD journey I would like to invite you to head to my resource page and snag some great free tools.
Go to patriciasung.com/resources. Not only will you be able to download ADHD resources on the spot, but you'll also get more ADHD mom tips right to your inbox. :)
➡️ Tell me in the comments, have you ever experienced any PMDD symptoms and wondered if there was more going on under the surface? ⬅️
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:
International Association of Premenstrual Disorders
Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power Book
Cycle Synching Basics for ADHD Women: Your Hormones are Your Energy Superpower #116
Tapping (EFT) as Treatment and Self Care for Adult ADHD with Kate Moryoussef #89