Jambeaux, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Magic Our Way. This is show #008 and we are quickly cruising into double digit mode!!! On this week's show, Danny surprises Kevin with a bit of recent Disney news, which Kevin was successfully able to avoid hearing about all day while at work. Listen to Kevin's genuine reaction to the story. This surprise story leads the boys in to the Hub segment where they discuss the planned stand alone Star Wars movies, movies that are outside of the main story arc. On the Magic Our Way segment, Kevin and Danny talk about each of their own trip planning strategies and tackle some issues that Kevin has regarding his upcoming vacation down in the Happiest Place on Earth.
As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). Find some of our video statuses on Keek.com. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at magicourway@gmail.com. We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion.
Thanks again for listening to us. We do realize that you have many choices when it comes to Disney podcasts and we appreciate your attention. As always, have a happy day!!!
a musician + an visual artist + Disney = MAGIC