Jambeaux, everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of the Magic Our Way podcast. We are a New Orleans based Disney fan podcast. We appreciate your listening to our show and we hope it brings a smile to your face. We also appreciate your feedback and are committed to listening to our audience.
On today’s show, we have Danny; Kevin; Lee, a travel agent with Magical Moments Vacations; and Eli of www.ivorycomcs.com for this episode. On today's show, Lee gives us a behind the scenes overview of how a Travel Agent helps to make your vacation magical. Also, we get a Trip Report from listener Rick Suero who booked his trip through Friend in Lee vacations. Any comments? Share them at magicourway@gmail.com.
Please note: the Magic Our Way Podcast is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its entities. All opinions expressed therein are solely those of the Magic Our Way.
Visit us on our website, www.magicourway.com, and send us a Speakpipe message or email us atmagicourway@gmail.com. Call or TEXT us at (815) MOWICAN (669-4226). We love to hear from any and all of our listeners.