Jambeaux, everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of the Magic Our Way podcast...count ‘em: TWO, TWO, TWO IN A ROW!!! Woo hoo!!! or Woot!!! as the kids like to say.
While waiting in the Queue, Danny and Kevin discuss a new event happening at Downtown Disney which is being called Carmasters Weekend. Also, this year’s D23 Expo attendees will be treated to a spectacular musical review in a production exclusive to this expo entitled Broadway and Beyond. This unique production will feature numerous stars from the Disney Theatrical universe. The Muppets Take Broadway...that’s all I have to say about that. Epcot’s Food and Wine Festival Registration opens soon. Are you ready for all the scrumptiousness headed your way?
In the Hub, Kevin and Danny discuss ways to keep cool during this time of the travel year. Ladies and Gentleman, it’s hot!!! Since some of you will be touring the parks during this time of year, Kevin wanted to discuss the ways in which he keeps himself and, more importantly, his little ones cool especially when traversing the World in their stroller. Many of these points can be applied to adults as well. So, with a little planning, you can stay safe, stay cool, and stay sane while touring the parks during the hot months. Just like Florida says, “Arrive Alive” which can also be taken to mean, when you arrive here and start doing what you are doing, make sure you do it smart so that you can “depart alive” too. Maybe that was a little stretch, but you get the idea.
As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). Find some of our video statuses on Keek.com. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at magicourway@gmail.com. We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion.
Thanks again for listening to us. We do realize that you have many choices when it comes to Disney podcasts and we appreciate your attention. When the show stops, please step out to your left. And lastly, have a happy day!!!