Jambeaux, everyone!!! Harambe! It’s the second half of Aaron and Danny’s Trip Report! Welcome to another episode of the Magic Our Way podcast. We are a New Orleans based Disney fan podcast. We appreciate your listening to our show and we hope it brings a smile to your face. We also appreciate your feedback and are committed to listening to our audience.
On today’s show, we have Danny, Kevin, Lee-an agent of www.magicalmomentsvacations.com, and Eli of www.ivorycomics.com.
Please note: the Magic Our Way Podcast is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its entities. All opinions expressed therein are solely those of the Magic Our Way podcast. No animals were harmed in the making of this podcast.
This episode is Guest Services for June 2016. This is the segment in which we address all of the questions sent in by our listeners via email, text, or voicemail. In Guest Services. we recognize the following listeners and topics.
and much, much more! What did you think about our responses? Do you have a response or do you want to be a part of the show? Any comments? Contact Us at show@magicourway.com.
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To learn more about the show, visit http://magicourway.com
Leave a VOICEMAIL or send us a TEXT at 1-815-MOWICAN (669-4226). Give us a listen, ya’ heard! Click the link to listen now.
Thanks for watching and listening!
-Danny, Kevin, Lee, & Eli