Shannon Robnett started his career in construction after realizing his passion for building single-family homes. However, he quickly transitioned to commercial construction, where he built a diverse portfolio of projects, including police and fire stations, city halls, medical facilities, schools, and industrial buildings. Over time, he also ventured into multifamily construction and began acquiring real estate deals. Today, Shannon has a successful career in both multifamily and industrial construction, with a consistent track record of building and acquiring properties.
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Topics & BulletsShannon Robnett's Real Estate Background and Expertise
COVID-19's Impact on Construction Industry
Underwriting Process for Ground-Up Development in Multifamily Projects
Strategic Partnerships and Focusing on Strengths
Underwriting and Projecting Financial Needs for Multifamily Projects
Importance of Accurate Modeling and Proper Underwriting
Business Savvy and Professionalism in Large-Scale Projects
Supply Chain Issues and Their Impact
Management of Construction Timelines and Financial Impact from Delays
Impact of Interest Rates and Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) on Real Estate Deals
Preparation Over Panic in the Face of Potential Market Instability
Opportunities in Real Estate Market
Focus on Cash Flow in Real Estate Deals
Confidence in Future of Real Estate Market
Shannon Robnett's Ground-Up Development Projects
Anticipation of Trends in Real Estate Market
Choosing the Right Market for Investment Opportunities