Every Wednesday on the Hippie Haven podcast, learn how to live harmoniously with yourself, others & the planet. We talk about all things hippie, including eating vegan, reducing your trash, starting an ethical business, eco-activism, gardening, beekeeping, tiny house living, and so much more.
My guest today is Hilary Kearney. She's the author of two books on bees: "Queen Spotting" and "The Little Book of Bees", Hilary founded girl, next door honey in 2012 in her hometown of San Diego, California, after graduating from UC Santa Cruz, with a degree in fine art. Breaking from tradition, Hilary has developed a beekeeping business that does not rely on honey sales or pollination services for their economic success. Instead, Girl Next Door Honey focuses on bee centric programs, such as natural beekeeping classes, apiary management, classroom presentations, beehive tours, live bee removal, and more. Today we're talking about what backyard beekeeping actually entails, how we can support our local bees and other pollinators, and more let's get started.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Girl Next Door Honey website
Buy Hilary's books
Girl Next Door's Facebook + Instagram + Pinterest
Xerces Society's Pollinator-Friendly Native Plant Lists
Support the Bestowed Essentials crowdfunding campaign to help us create new sustainable products, improve our packaging, increase our accessibility and to provide more jobs for people with disabilities.
The Hippie Haven Podcast is hosted by Callee - a zero waste activist & business owner. Formerly a translator for the US Navy, Callee was honorably discharged as a conscientious objector in 2017 following an episode of severe depression & alcoholism fueled by not living in alignment with her core values. That same year, at age 23, she started Bestowed Essentials, a handmade line of eco-friendly beauty & home products that are now stocked in over 100 stores around the US & Canada. Callee began hosting this free podcast in August 2018, as well as speaking at events and teaching educational workshops across the country, as part of her life mission to arm you with the knowledge & tools you need to spark positive change in your community. In December 2019, she opened The Hippie Haven in Rapid City, South Dakota - a zero waste retail store & community space with a little free library - the first of its kind in the state.
Follow along on Instagram - @hippie.ceo & @hippiehavenshop & @bestowedessentials
Shop zero waste home goods at www.hippiehavenshop.com
Read this episode's transcript at www.hippiehavenpodcast.com/110