We're in an education crisis, and many teachers fear they won't make it through this year. Some are begging for help; some are preaching self-care. Others are quitting--just walking out of their classrooms and schools and moving on to something else.
In this episode of the Hack Learning Podcast, Mark Barnes is asking you to help solve this crisis. He shares a disheartening Twitter chat, in which educators from across the country share the issues:
> teachers being told to "stick it out," no matter what > a massive substitute teacher shortage is pulling teachers from their classes and moving them into others, during their plan times and lunches > teachers feel obligated to work, even ignoring doctor's orders to stay home > some fear a return to distance learning, while others hope for it > feeling of helplessness and overwhelming stress are pushing educators to the brink
Comment there and mention @markbarnes19 and add #HackLearning. Mark asks for your feedback, and your Hacks. What can we do now to solve this problem in the short term? How can we end this crisis?