In the most recent edition of Send Me, the F3 Knoxville newsletter, I shared some thoughts around this idea that comfortability is a silent killer - over time it lulls you to sleep physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. Plugging this into one of my new favorite tools - NotebookLM by Google - an AI conversation called a Deep Dive was created and it was pretty legit. Think smarter, not harder with NotebookLM: the ultimate tool for understanding the information that matters the most to you, built with Gemini 2.0.
Enjoy the Deep Dive conversation and the source material below!
Men of F3 Knoxville! It’s a great week to have a great week.
Let’s talk comfortability for a second. My wife and I recently started watching season three of the Apple TV show Ted Lasso and if you know anything about this show you know Ted is this super-energetic and optimistic guy. He deals with his own demons and anxiety for certain, but he is an eternal optimist - always choosing to see the best in others, in situations, and in life. He has a great quote on taking on challenges and how it relates to being comfortable, and before diving into that I wanted to share what this word actually means.
According to Wikipedia (so you know you can trust this), comfortability is “a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized as a lack of hardship.” Michael Easter talks a lot about this idea in his book “The Comfort Crisis.” If you haven’t read it - I would 10/10 recommend it. It’s pretty amazing the lengths (some obvious and some not so obvious) we go to as human beings to make ourselves comfortable. Comfortability is the silent killer - the one that is always there, even if you don’t realize it. When I have shown up to F3 over the past 8-9 years, it has rarely been comfortable. I mean, c’mon now - burpees in freezing weather, carrying heavy rucks and sandbags up/down hills, 50 SQUAT JUMPS?! Not a fan of squat jumps. BUT it has been good. Better than good, actually. It’s been exactly what I needed: to reject my comfort zone and accept the fact that I can do hard things even in an uncomfortable state. You can too.
Here’s the Ted Lasso quote.
Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.
-Ted Lasso
So this week, here’s the challenge: take on a challenge that might be uncomfortable. Taking this a step further: what would taking on a challenge that might be uncomfortable look like in your Fitness? Your Fellowship with others? Your Faith? Some examples that popped into my head:
* Signing up to Q / lead an F3 workout
* Saying the hard thing / exercising candor
* Holding someone you care about accountable
* Waking up earlier / going to bed earlier
* Exercising restraint with consumption of food/drink
* Doing 100 merkins a day
Don’t shy away from the challenges in your life - meet them head-on! Why? We were made to do hard things, men. We were created to take on challenges and invite others to do the same. That’s how we develop and grow. You absolutely have what it takes to take on challenges in your life. You do. I’m rooting for you, and so are thousands of other F3 men around the world. So get after it this week brother!
Iron Sharpens Iron!