It’s a new week with new opportunities to grow! I’m bringing you two TPQs (Thought Provoking Questions) to ask yourself this week.
(1) Are you curious?
(2) Are you courageous?
These two questions have challenged me to reframe the way I interact with people in my life, and I hope they will do the same for you. I keep them on a sticky note on my desk that I see every day, to remind me to be curious about the people in my life (in healthy ways - not paranoid ways), and that I would have the courage to intentionally ask questions to better understand them.
These two TPQs are related to something I heard at a men’s group at Fellowship last week that stuck with me:
Unasked questions lead to unanswered answers that the enemy can use to twist the truth.
I am a firm believer that a tactic of the enemy is to disrupt communication vertically (with God) and horizontally (with each other). Sadly, it’s incredibly effective. If we’re not communicating with God or with our spouse, friends, or people in our sphere of influence in healthy ways, questions go unasked which results in answers being left unanswered which results in truth being distorted. “Communication is key” right?
So here’s the challenge for this week":
(1) In what ways can you be curious and courageous with the people in your life this week?
(2) Identify one person to intentionally engage in conversation with - to better understand what’s going on underneath the surface.
Happy Monday friends! Wherever this week finds you, stay the course, keep the faith, and fight the good fight!