An odd but deftly executed motorcycle murder captures some important dispatch information. It just so happens that Bond, James Bond, is in Paris licking his wounds and dreading his return to England where his career lies in the balance. Suddenly he is summoned by a beautiful woman (who is NOT a sex worker), is briefed and on the job helping the MI5 fix their mistake. Bond, almost single handedly solves the mystery and devises an elaborate plan. He’ll either succeed or die trying.
Buy From a View to a Kill now from! which appears in the collection of short stories, For Your Eyes Only. --- By using this link a small portion of your purchase goes to Eggs and Espionage Pod so we can afford our chalets on the French Riviera
If you're of age: Enjoy this episode with Bond's drink of choice when in Paris and "not seriously" drinking: Americano -
Place where Bond prefers to drink when in Paris: Harry's Bar