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As we talked about last week, being productive isn’t just about accomplishing more. It's also about investing your time and attention in a more strategic way to add value to whatever you're working on or trying to get done. In Episode 92, which was the first in this time management series, I gave you three tips to end the art of procrastination for good. Now we climb up to Step 2 of the productivity ladder - creating a smarter to-do list.
When you think about it, the concept of using a to-do list to stay productive and get more done is as easy as breathing. Right? Just make a list, do the things, and check them off. What could be simpler?
Well, if it were that easy, then all the entrepreneurs out there wouldn’t be constantly crying about how overwhelmed they are or how their businesses aren’t growing. ‘Cause everybody’s got a to-do list, right?
Staying productive with a list isn’t actually as simple as it seems. In reality, not all to-do lists are created equal, and the quality of your to-do list can have a huge impact on optimizing your day to get a lot accomplished, moving your business forward, and keeping overwhelm at bay. So, what makes for a smarter and more sensible to-do list, one that maximizes your use of time? Listen to today’s show and discover the four characteristics you, as a busy and overwhelmed entrepreneur, should incorporate into your to-do list to be as productive as possible, create intentional action in your online business, and ditch a lot of the overwhelm that comes from being a solopreneur.
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Today’s sponsor: ANCHOR - If you’re ready to start your own podcast, whether personal or business-related, be sure to check out This free platform has all you need to record, edit, and host your podcast. All the tools you need in ONE place! And did I mention it’s FREE, lol! Get over to today.
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