So, are you interested in gaining more time freedom in your week while making money in your business? Yeah, I thought so. I mean, who isn’t, right?
Well, today’s guest is going to introduce you to the world of affiliates and the two ways that Affiliate Marketing can help you grow your business and reach financial freedom while getting more time back in your week. Sound good? Let’s get started.
If you’d like to discuss today’s episode or just want to hang out and get more tips for simpliflying your online business, come join my Simplicity for Solopreneurs™ free Facebook group at I’ll leave the link in the Show Notes.
Today’s sponsor: ANCHOR - If you’re ready to start your own podcast, whether personal or business-related, be sure to check out This free platform has all you need to record, edit, and host your podcast. All the tools you need in ONE place! And did I mention it’s FREE, lol! Get over to today.
Angela Joy Markham’s BIO and Contact Information:
“As we navigate the often turbulent waters of entrepreneurship, I want to be able to point you in the direction of ultimate clarity when it comes to branding and marketing in your business! Let’s face it, it can be a little scary. I can help you reduce overwhelm and simplify processes when it comes to the foundational elements of growing and flourishing within your business.
Since 2011, I’ve been helping small business owners like you create stellar brand identities, while simultaneously earning a passive income with Affiliate marketing systems and strategies. What could you do with extra time in your week and extra money in your pocket? With just a little bit of upfront work, this is totally doable! Let’s work together to elevate your business to a place of prosperity and abundance.”
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(Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee addiction, lol!)