Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed lately? If so, you're not alone. Building an online business all by yourself isn’t easy. Making decisions, being the CEO and sole employee, and trying to set a schedule that enables you to get lots done during your workday from home can definitely create stress. And lots of it.
One condition that can result from chronic stress is burnout. Burnout is defined as feeling overwhelmed by pressure. Some of the common characteristics of burnout include physical & mental issues such as headaches and fogginess, long-term exhaustion, and lack of motivation.
In today’s episode, I’m going to give you three powerful strategies to go from stressed out and overwhelmed to motivated and super productive. Sound good? Then listen in if you’re struggling with burnout as a midlife Christian solopreneur.
Free Facebook Group: If you’d like to discuss today’s episode or just want to hang out and get more tips for simplifying your online business, come join my Simplicity for Solopreneurs™ free Facebook group at
Episodes on Time Blocking, Batching, and Scheduling:
EP 76 - Theme Days, Time-Blocking, and Batching: How these Three Popular Practices Can Help You Get More Done and Stay Super Focused as a Solopreneur - Part One
EP 77 - Theme Days, Time-Blocking, and Batching: How to Create a Daily and Weekly Schedule that Helps You Get More Done and Stay Super Focused as a Solopreneur - Part Two
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