Is there something that needs to be done right now but you’re not doing it? Is there more than one thing? What’s holding you back?
If procrastination is rearing its less than pretty head again, then you must listen to this short and actionable episode. ‘Cause we’re gonna get it done right now. (Or as soon as you stop driving and get back home, lol.) Today is Let’s Take Action day!
Truth bomb - I don’t know anybody that doesn’t procrastinate and put stuff off at least some of the time. (If you never procrastinate, then I’m so excited for you. You may skip this episode of the show today.) But if you’re like me and most other busy women and online business owners, you put stuff off. Period. Today we’re not going to talk about why this may be happening and all the tricks and hacks for getting more done every single day. We’re just going to do it. Right now. No fluff. Here’s how..
EP 84 - TAKE ACTION Tuesday - Stop Procrastinating and Do the ONE Thing Today that You've Been Putting Off for Too Long
FREE Facebook Group: If you’d like to discuss today’s episode or just want to hang out and get more tips for simpliflying your online business, come join my Simplicity for Solopreneurs™ free Facebook group at I’ll leave the link in the Show Notes.
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