![Climate Change and its Impact on Health - podcast episode cover](https://cdn-images-w3.rrr.org.au/Xxx4IVrT5Cjv4Lkr9R9fIdhHv-k=/1400x1400/https://s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/assets-w3.rrr.org.au/assets/8b8/0c4/353/8b80c4353ea3014b28529685d41800879cd41654/Radiotherapy.jpg)
Episode description
Grant Blashki, Associate Professor at the Nossal Institute and the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute at the University of Melbourne and Lead Clinical Advisor for Beyond Blue, discusses the biggest threats to health posed by climate change; Guy Abrahams, Co-Founder and Ambassador for CLIMARTE, explores the role of art in facilitating behavioural change specifically in relation to climate change; and the team canvass some new medical inventions. With presenters Dr Mal Practice, Nurse Epipen, and Dr Motu.
Website: https://www.rrr.org.au/explore/programs/radiotherapy
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